
In the following case, we discover how the plagiarism checker can prepare students for university and future careers. At Macarthur Anglican School, educators aim to foster responsibility and awareness in the fast-moving digital world and give students the tools for reaching their goals after graduation.
Before commencing their Preliminary HSC Year, the Macarthur school’s senior students have to complete an “All My Own Work” unit, which includes an understanding of plagiarism. So, the school Head of Innovation and Learning Centre, Mrs Rebecca Fitzpatrick, aimed to find an online plagiarism tool that will:
- teach students to be responsible digital citizens in a fast-moving world;
- help students identify and understand plagiarism and properly attribute the information used in the work they submit;
- eliminate plagiarism (intentional and unintentional) in work students were submitting;
- find an online tool that was efficient in detecting plagiarism;
- prepare the students for future plagiarism requirements at university.
According to Fitzpatrick, has helped the school “stay on top of plagiarism in this digital age in a responsible and ethical manner.” It has reduced the incidence of plagiarism issues in submitted work.
“A key benefit has been the ability to detect work that has been resubmitted by students,” shared Fitzpatrick.
Among the main benefits of using over free versions online, the Head of Innovation and Learning Centre outlines:
- The ability to check large volumes of work at once.
- Storage of previous samples to prevent re-use of previously submitted tasks.
- The ability to integrate the software with Google Classroom to make submission easier.
This way, the tool fits all the requirements the school expected from the plagiarism checker.