plagiarism check

Fingerprint authorship verification

Prevent ghost-writing and contract-cheating, confirm authorship of any document in no time.

Fingerprint authorship verification

Make sure every paper is unique

Does the document sound suspicious? The plagiarism report shows zero similarity and AI, but something about the document feels off, like the student's writing style has changed unexpectedly?

Try Fingerprint, our authorship verification tool

Try Fingerprint, our authorship verification tool

We use the most reliable writing style analysis methods to help you ensure academic integrity.

Try Fingerprint, our authorship verification tool

  • Step 1

    Whenever you have doubts if a person who submitted the text really wrote it, launch Fingerprint authorship analyzer

  • Step 2

    Using stylometry, fingerprint compares hundreds of metrics about student's writing style from previous submissions to the data in an uploaded text.

    It considers:

    • Author's vocabulary, word choice
    • Part-of-speech tags
    • Dependencies between words
    • Syntactic patterns
    • Stylistic patterns (certain punctuation marks, capitalisation patterns, and orthographic patterns)
  • Step 3

    As a result, you get a simple response if writing style matches student’s previous paper or not.

Unveil what’s hidden with Authorship Fingerprint and more

Get in touch with our representative for a plagiarism tool demo

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