Successful companies are not afraid of innovations. On the contrary: they lead them. Are AI writing Chatbots, like Chat ChGPT or Bard, really changing the world, or are they just another trend? It seems that AI tools will become unchanged for everyone over time, like a calculator, a computer, and the Internet have become commonplace.

But ahead will be those who, in addition to using undeniable advantages, will be the first to learn to overcome risks. Misinformation, fakes, armies of bots, unreliable and unoriginal content that will be fraudulently passed off as the author’s text: there are many challenges ahead that must be overcome. Experts expect an update on the Media Policy and GDPR compliance. Businesses are considering changes in business models, copyright protection, and the imperative need to distinguish human text from AI content.

Revolutionize content strategy with AI Content Detector

Top managers of media companies admit that they used to be able to distinguish AI text from the human text as easily as a real painting by an artist from Mindjourney’s AI works. But, in addition to the fact that such verification is irrational to do manually: every day, it becomes increasingly difficult, requires more and more resources, and soon it will be simply impossible to guess.

Already today, AI Detector can easily, quickly, and accurately distinguish human-written text from artificially-generated one. AI Writing Detector will become the same mandatory component of text checking as the literacy and plagiarism check used to be. A unique tool can take operational processes to a new level and not only protect the business from risks but also bring unprecedented benefits.

How was AI Detector by Plagiarism Check created?

PlagiarismCheck’s team of experts has worked for more than 8 years to develop tools that prevent cheating. With us, hundreds of institutes and businesses successfully overcome the challenge of plagiarism. With the arrival of the Internet in every home, it was also once guessed whether it would destroy the educational and writing process.

Later, we also invented a model to verify authorship and writing style — Fingerprint. Having overcome another threat: when authors pass off texts written for them by someone, for their own. Years of research, comparisons of human writing styles, and analysis of thousands of metrics and characteristics became the basis for our next revolutionary technology. 

An AI Content Detector appeared, which showed a huge 97% accuracy in determining the result: who wrote the text, AI or a person. This innovative solution helps to solve problems related to AI text verification quickly. It is indispensable for Content platforms, Publishing houses, Media, Marketing agencies, and other companies that want to make sure that the content is not AI-generated.


200 000 + users


15 000 000 + checks

 Efficiency

8 YEARS of excellent work

How does the AI Content Detector work?

We use unique cutting-edge algorithms to identify when AI-Chatbots wrote content. Our newest author models are based on the “Perplexity” of human language versus machine-generated.

You can:

  • Use our web platform or API integration to pass the text;
  • Find out if your text contains AI-generated content and how much of it is in the percentage of the total;
  • Download the full report in PDF format to provide reasoned feedback to the authors and management.

AI Text Detector marks suspicious sentences as ‘Likely Al’ or ‘Highly likely Al’. And provides a whole-text percentage verdict. The little cost-effective tool empowers the biggest companies and gives you maximum benefits and profits.