The assignment-checking routine may be one of the most energy-consuming tasks in an educator’s job. The work is demanding yet crucial, as proper feedback significantly helps the students process new information and boost their skills. But are all assignments worth this attention?

Don’t get us wrong, we are not questioning the importance of particular students compared to the others. However, with the variety of technologies, services, and instruments available to students nowadays, cheating has become easier than ever. Meanwhile, the situation when teachers spend energy and time checking the plagiarized or Chat GPT-generated paper steals from the students who have done the job honestly. Hence, determining the originality and authenticity of the paper should be the number one essential step of modern paper checking. Luckily, up-to-date technologies provide simple yet effective solutions.

Plagiarism detection

As education’s primary mission is to foster critical, independent thinkers, the originality of each assignment is pivotal. Some twenty years ago, the only duty was to prevent students from copying each other’s papers, but now the situation has changed drastically. Plagiarism detection tools emerged to meet the instructors’ need to verify the originality of each assignment, teach the students proper attribution, and support academic integrity.

No longer being a groundbreaking technology,  plagiarism checker has become a trustworthy ally of educators worldwide, continuing to evolve in response to the most recent challenges. Nowadays, originality checkers can be easily integrated into the institution’s workflow or LMS and can check the webpages or Google Docs.

  • The detector can even scan discussions and quizzes on Canvas and Brightspace – something no other tool can do!

AI detection

Compared to plagiarism, AI is a recent issue that educators have been forced to face, and it is a tricky one. The assignments “delegated” to Chat GPT and similar text generators have certain distinctive features, which AI checking tools can detect. However, none of them give a 100% guarantee. As AI-detecting instruments continue to evolve along with AI models, teachers can definitely rely on the first as a compass, addressing the suspicious papers instead of questioning every assignment and wondering whether the student or robot wrote it.

  • offers one solution to the main burning issues so teachers can see originality and AI check results in one handy report!

Ghostwriting detection

Contract cheating, when the students delegate assignments to writing services, is one of the most popular ways of breaking the academic honor code. In this case, AI and plagiarism-checking tools may show no fishy results. However, the teacher may feel that something in the assignment seems off. In this case, the Authorship Verification tool comes to the rescue. The instrument analyzes the writing style of the potential assignment’s author and determines whether the piece is authentic.

  • Fingerprint by not only verifies the authorship but also detects cheating attempts when the text is translated from another language and passed for original writing.

Authenticity analysis

AI has caused a significant crisis and confusion in education, and the problem is far from being solved. Since even the most accurate detectors can’t guarantee 100% accuracy, the only way to know for sure is to watch how the assignment has been written. But how can the teacher look into every student’s writing process? Integrito tool may be your answer.

Providing a comprehensive report based on the document history, Integrito tracks any fishy activity. So, the instructor may see that the student copy-pasted some part of the text and check it for AI and plagiarism or see that the extract that seemed suspicious was actually composed from scratch, as evidenced by the editing history.

Integrito Google Docs add-on reflects the overall writing time, shows all the contributors to the document, and analyses the way it was written, bringing any doubtful actions into the spotlight.

  • Along with Activity Reports, Integrito can be integrated with plagiarism and AI checkers, so the teacher gets an exhaustive paper analysis in one tool. is designed to boost educators’ productivity and elevate their teaching routines. Make Similarity Detector, AI checker GPT, and Authorship Verification an organic part of your workflow to see an instant difference! Contact us to try it right now.