plagiarism check

Free Plagiarism Checker: Free Plagiarism Detection for Your Needs

Free plagiarism checker helps to make sure of text originality, boost creativity, and improve writing skills.

Free Plagiarism Checker: Free Plagiarism Detection for Your Needs
  • Africa University
  • Jackson County School District
  • Lackawanna College
  • Oxnard Union High School District
  • Silicon Valley High School
  • University of the Southern Caribbean

Trusted by thousands of Institutions Worldwide

Try free Plagiarism Checker online

Advanced algorithms, vast databases, and constant development to stay up-to-date make a top-notch tool for educators, students, and content writers. You can try Plagiarism Checker for free to see how it enhances your work!

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  • Check 1 page for free
  • Advanced algorithms
  • Accurate AI Detector
  • Interactive results
  • Downloadable reports
  • Your texts are safe

Best free Plagiarism Checker to integrate into your workflow

We created the plagiarism detector tool to make your life easier. You can use the free plagiarism checker online on the website or as part of your set working process. Check out our Moodle, Canvas, Google Classroom, and even Google Docs integrations!

How free plagiarism detection works

Over eight years of experience, we have developed sophisticated algorithms that we constantly improve to keep our free plagiarism detection tool progressive. The tool considers the following factors:


Moreover, the free plagiarism checker detects tricks like blank symbols or paraphrasing. So, the tool helps to catch even the most elaborate cases of copying.

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1,000,000 +
Users of
21,000,000 +
Texts successfully checked for plagiarism
8+ years
Of excellent work
  • Africa University
  • Jackson County School District
  • Lackawanna College
  • University of the Southern Caribbean
  • Oxnard Union High School District
  • Maple Leaf Education System
  • Atlantic International University

Our partners trust

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  • We are piloting it for the School of ICT, IBTE. We've chosen the modules and appropriate assignments/assessment which involve course work to apply software.

    Our instructors and students find it very handy to use this. Our staff is using it before submitting any important document or paper.

    H. ZAHIR HUSSAIN Head of School, IBTE Institute of Brunei Technical Education
  • So far, we found no difficulty in using this user-friendly software. All of us were extremely comfortable with the software as it served what it supposed to be - checking for plagiarism.

    The plagiarism checker enabled us to minimise the academic dishonesty.

    Tuck Hong, Choo
    Tuck Hong, Choo Programme Leader Olympia College, Ipoh
  • We started using The girls have found it easy to use. I enjoy the fact that teachers can create folders and pupils can submit their work to the teachers folder. I had a pupil whose plagiarism percentage was too high. enabled me to go straight to the site.

    Sheryl Gordon
    Sheryl Gordon Head of Grade and Director of the Learning Resource Center St Mary's DSG

Schedule a demo to try plagiarism checker for free!

We have designed to meet the needs of educators, students, and all text writers. We believe the similarity checker brings studying and independent thinking to a new level, and we don't expect you to take our word for it. Schedule a demo and try plagiarism check online free!

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4 reasons to use our Plagiarism Tool Free

Ways to use Essay Plagiarism Checker Free

Despite the fleeting impression that everything has already been invented and said, the modern world continues to amaze us with new concepts and discoveries. That is why creativity and out-of-box thinking have become even more valuable than formal knowledge. One can find any information in the blink of an eye, and what's important is how we process it. Fostering independent critical thinking begins with originality. When it comes to uniqueness, a free plagiarism checker becomes an indispensable tool.

Why you should try free Plagiarism Checker for students, teachers, and beyond

Plagiarism Checker Free online is an easy way to adhere to academic standards. It allows educators to focus on teaching and nourishing their students' ambitions instead of being snowed up with paperwork. Students get an opportunity to proofread and plagscan their assignments, which is an essential step in independent learning encouragement.

We believe the best free plagiarism checker can boost creativity and inspire you to develop your writing style. boasts the following features that empower your work process.

  1. Multitasking

    Our Plagiarism Detector Free brings your productivity to a new level. Scan several documents simultaneously and get comprehensive reports you can use for assignment assessment. The algorithm won't state whether the paper has been copied but will highlight the similarities found with direct links provided. You will clearly see the parts that need your attention and not waste your efforts analyzing copied writing.

  2. Custom databases

    The plagiarism checker's efficiency relies on the database of the texts for comparison. Along with a vast base of sources you can't openly find elsewhere online, allows you to upload your texts to prevent students from copying each other's assignments.

  3. Accuracy

    Essay Plagiarism Checker Free detects not only direct similarities between the documents. It recognizes paraphrasing, using synonyms, changing active voice into passive and vice versa, as well as blank symbols and replacing Latin letters with Cyrillic. At the same time, the tool does not mark references and quotations as plagiarism.

  4. Authorship verification

    The Fingerprint check tool is designed to reveal ghostwriting. It detects style variations and can even point out the parts of the paper translated from other languages.

  5. AI-detection

    The seemingly relevant text can be generated in a second, but deep understanding can't. Our innovative algorithms can trace AI-produced content and distinguish between human and machine writing. Our TraceGPT Chrome extension makes it even more convenient!

  6. Citation generating

    Ensure your paper meets the academic requirements with the plagiarism scanner's citation generator and grammar checker.

  7. Platforms integration

    You don't need to add another step and complicate your work or study requires no installation - you can scan the text for originality on the website or even use the tool directly on a convenient platform. Check out our integrations with Google Classroom, Canvas, Moodle, and Google Docs add-on.

  8. Customer support

    Our users emphasize the quality of customer service. We are always here to provide a demo, answer questions, and improve your experience.

  9. Plagiarism tool free trial

    Practice is a vital part of any learning process, as it is always better to experience than theorize. The same rule applies to any tool, so we provide a one-page plagiarism detector free trial.

Join thousands of educators, students, journalists, and content writers to see how contributes to your creative process!

Check one page for free and discover more

  • Consider our subscription plans if you are eager to discover even more options and make your reliable ally in work and studying. We have packages for institutions and individuals.
  • Businesses, K-12 schools, higher educational establishments, and research institutions can choose between Advanced and PRO subscription plans.
  • Individual customers can opt for one of our per page packages.
  • When choosing the plan, consider your needs. More expensive packages include more features and more pages you can scan simultaneously. Contact us if you need assistance in choosing your plan!
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