AI has caused many troubles. It has become an instrument for academic cheating, so schools were forced to introduce AI detector software to cope with the robot-generated works submitted as students-written. It has challenged some human occupations, causing severe concerns that one day, robots will steal all the jobs from people. Finally, it has provoked endless discussions on ethics and authenticity issues.

And still, AI tools are here to stay. If implemented responsibly, they can bring more good than chaos. After all, robots can hardly replace human genius in the creative domain–what touches us is the spontaneity and experiences that only people are capable of. AI tools, however, can enhance our creative sparkle and automatize routines so we can focus on inspiration; help people come up with ideas, and bring them to life.

Let’s see, what educators can do to elevate their working processes and get creative utilizing cutting-edge AI tools.

Class planning

AI can’t teach a class but can help plan it. Your experience and charisma are invaluable, and nothing can replace that. However, chatbots can assist in search for the fresh approaches to learning.

  • Come up with novel and relevant topics for essays and classes to engage the students and make the learning process thought-provoking and relatable.
  • Generate fun and educative activities you can implement in class–AI can assist with abstract brainstorming or practical needs like producing worksheets and illustrative materials.
  • Let AI do mundane jobs, from quizzes and test generation to automatized grading. Delegating time-consuming and energy-draining routines, you will have more time and energy to interact with students and engage emotionally.

Read about AI in education

Content creation

Whatever we do, we work with content. And we are not necessarily talking about full-time influencers now. Maybe you run a small professional blog, or just create tasks and materials for your students–AI can assist with all of that, saving your resources for new ideas, self-development, or simply unwinding.


Generating the text with a chatbot and passing it as authentic is cheating which can lead to AI plagiarism. Using the right prompts, however, can streamline your writing process and boost the final result.

Apart from using a chatbot as an improved version of a search engine, in which you can ask for synonyms, examples, facts, or better ways to express your ideas, AI can help improvise, experiment, and test your theories.

For example, robot text generation can be an enormous help when looking for the right tone of voice and an appropriate style. You can ask AI to generate a piece tailored to your target audience or even to mimic a certain writer’s style, use slang, and make your content relatable to your reader. We certainly don’t suggest you use this text as it is. Chatbot output, however, can give you an understanding of how the writing should sound, and whether it sounds right for your needs; as well as a chance to try out your most extravagant ideas within seconds!

Learn how to use AI as a writing assistant


Video is a type of content that has the most potential, but requires the most effort. At least, required, until the innovative AI tools came into play. How cool is being able to demonstrate any subject material and present explainers in video format to your students? With AI assistance it won’t need you taking videomaker courses or spending hours on editing. The best part is that you can create such videos from scratch, tailoring them exactly to your learners’ interests and level of understanding.

Pick the best teacher-friendly AI editing tool for your needs

Content curation and planning

Time and content management are skills that come very naturally for robots but are not always easy to navigate for humans with our overwhelmed minds and schedules. That is why AI instruments are excellent for any sort of content planning, time management, and automated posting. Getting the to-do tasks out of your mind, you clear the space for ideas and creativity! And then comes the time for…


AI is a perfect companion that never gets tired, doesn’t have a conception of stupid or embarrassing questions, and is always ready to discuss your craziest ideas. Whatever the problem you are trying to solve, it’s always helpful to put it out of your head onto the paper–or the AI chat. You can ask for ideas, prompt to make a list of options or develop your thoughts into a project during the brainstorming session. is here to help you dedicate even more time to creativity. Leave your mundane assignment-checking tasks to our plagiarism checker and AI detector, and proceed to more interesting tasks! (Or finally, take a break. We know you deserve it!)