The rise of AI-generated writing: unveiling the challenges 

Within the evolving landscape of education, a perplexing challenge looms large – the detection of AI-generated writing. As technology advances, concerns arise regarding academic integrity. How can teachers truly uncover the presence of AI-generated content within students’ work?

Microsoft, the creators of the Bing AI chatbot, commented on the risks of AI plagiarism:

“The AI isn’t capable of creating thoughts, making conclusions, or asking original, thought-provoking questions. It’s all been sourced from different places across the web. An AI essay isn’t anything more than a compilation of information for you to use to write your own essay as you learn the material and create your own opinions about the subject”.

Educators possess a remarkable ability to tackle this enigma head-on. Armed with specialized tools like TraceGPT, an AI detector by PlagiarismCheck, they delve into the depths of written compositions, seeking credible signs of artificial intelligence involvement.

How do teachers detect AI writing?

TraceGPT, an advanced AI detector, serves as the teacher’s ally in this quest. Harnessing the power of cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning techniques, it meticulously scrutinizes written submissions, unveiling potential instances of AI-generated content. 

AI detector is integrated into the institution’s LMS via API; teachers can also use the platform and a particular extension for Google Chrome will also be available soon.

Institution members can:

  • Use our web platform or API integration to pass the text;
  • Find out if your text contains AI-generated content and how much of it is in the percentage of the total;
  • Download the full report in PDF format to provide reasoned feedback to the authors and management.

AI Text Detector marks suspicious sentences as ‘Likely Al’ or ‘Highly likely Al’. And it provides a whole-text percentage verdict. Parts of the text will be highlighted using different colors.

TraceGPT tool provides one of the four verdicts and a detailed report in a few moments:

TraceGPT by verdict:

Probability percentage

 Human-written

The probability of the whole text being human-written is high: ≥70%. There are just a few potentially AI-written sentences: ≤5%

類 Likely Human-written

The probability of the whole text being human-written is high: ≥70%. There are less than a third of sentences with signs of AI: 5.01-30%

‍ AI Content Detected

The probability of the whole text being human-written is high: ≥70%. However, there are over a third of sentences with signs of AI: 30.01-100%. And also, when “human probability” is 30-69%

烙 Likely AI-Generated

The probability of the whole text being human-written is less than 30%

The percentage of potentially AI-generated sentences relative to the entire text, as well as many other general text parameters of AI-detection models, allows teachers and professors to get an accurate percentage result and a high-quality, reliable report.


Depending on the purpose, what teachers are detecting or present in the AI text, they can:

  • provide feedback for improvement using the handy report tool;
  • reject or refine AI-generated content;
  • check the validity of AI-generated sentences more carefully.

The PlagiarismCheck tool can combine three solutions to prevent student cheating:

  • Similarity (plagiarism, paraphrasing, improperly formatted citation of other people’s texts)
  • Fingerprint (thanks to a deep check of the writing style, it detects texts written by the student himself and texts written for him by order/by someone else)
  • AI detector (detects % of AI-generated content in student works)

How to check ChatGPT & AI content in Moodle LMS in seconds?

The most convenient way to check ChatGPT and AI content in Moodle is via plugin that shows similarity as well as AI percentages on an assignment. So teachers and professors can see if an assignment is original without opening a report.

Download a plugin here. A quick installation guide (takes 1 minute to install and configure) 

Get an account in PlagiarismCheck for your institution by contacting us at or by filling out a request form. 

Unmasking the digital ghostwriters: Detecting AI-generated content in students’ work 

Therefore, schools can easily, quickly, and accurately identify AI writing, in particular, with the help of the platform. Specially-certified plugins can also be integrated into LMS or browsers or be embedded as additional features in plagiarism checker used by the institution.

Thousands of customers, years of experience, and unique algorithms ensure more than 97% accuracy of TraceGPT – AI detector by PlagiarismCheck. Unlike free online detectors, this solution is highly reliable and secure.

Detect AI content