Accurate AI detector for Turnitin – New Release
One of the most common solutions academic institutions use to check papers for plagiarism is Turnitin. This platform has overtaken family-rooted Unicheck, PlagScan, and many other smaller tools that used to operate independently. However, each solution has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which we discussed in our comparative article, “Top 5 Plagiarism Checkers for Students and Teachers in 2024”.
In response to the rapid development of AI writing, Turnitin launched Turnitin AI writing detection tool, that is able to detect the presence of AI writing with about a one percent false-positive rate. However, Turnitin AI detection is not the only option available.
Even if you use Turnitin to check for plagiarism, but you want a convenient, innovative solution for the high-quality identification of AI-generated texts, you can try
- It’s a leading tool that has been used by thousands of institutions for more than eight years;
- PlagiarismCheck’s latest features demonstrate extremely high AI writing detection capabilities and unique opportunities;
- Its effectiveness is confirmed by high accuracy and a low percentage of false positives;
- uses several unique author models to detect signs of text written by artificial intelligence, including perplexity detection, and is constantly updated;
- Students can pre-check their texts as individual users, and use additional tools to foster writing skills.
The AI Plagiarism Checker & Chat GPT Content Detector is an alternative to Turnitin AI detector and is part of the comprehensive solution for plagiarism checking and improvement. One can implement AI detector as part of toolkit or as a separate instrument.
Get the newest, original, and comprehensive full-fledged plagiarism tool and Chat GPT checker with excellent results in just two clicks.