Unbiased similarity checker for k-12
Fostering originality and students' writing skills, providing teachers with a reliable and user-friendly tool to protect Academic Integrity in K-12 education.
Trusted by thousands of Institutions Worldwide
Save up to 2 times on your school subscription. We offer transparent and affordable pricing that will match your expectations.
Accurately detect AI-generated content in no-time with TraceGPT — our AI detector that was trained on vast amount of various text to increase accuracy.
PlagiarismCheck.org easily recognizes quotes and references in writings without considering them a plagiarism. But you can always see them on a report.
PlagiarismCheck.org identifies even slightest word/phrase rearrangements, using synonyms, and other attempts to mask plagiarism.
We’ve developed advanced algorithms that help find the slightest similarities in texts. Our plagiarism checker analyzes every piece of writing for the following distinctive signs.
Using stylometry, fingerprint tracks various metrics in student's writing style to notify if the writing style in an assignment changed.
Get in touch, we will help you choose a plagiarism & AI scanner plan that meets your needs
We are piloting it for the School of ICT, IBTE. We've chosen the modules and appropriate assignments/assessment which involve course work to apply PlagiarismCheck.org software.
Our instructors and students find it very handy to use this. Our staff is using it before submitting any important document or paper.
So far, we found no difficulty in using this user-friendly software. All of us were extremely comfortable with the software as it served what it supposed to be - checking for plagiarism.
The plagiarism checker enabled us to minimise the academic dishonesty.
We started using PlagiarismCheck.org. The girls have found it easy to use. I enjoy the fact that teachers can create folders and pupils can submit their work to the teachers folder. I had a pupil whose plagiarism percentage was too high. PlagiarismCheck.org enabled me to go straight to the site.
Plagiarism checker for K12 schools provides flexible pricing to match your institution’s needs in fostering students’ writing.
Feel free to make the most of the following features our software provides you with to check K12 on plagiarism:
Simply copy-paste the text you need to check. We support multiple document formats, so you can also upload a file in any popular extension of your choice.
If you want your sources to be used during the scan, our program will import your storage and take it into account when checking all new submissions.
Simultaneously check up to 50 documents at once. This allows you to manage large volumes of work, ensuring thorough and quick analysis without compromising on accuracy or speed.
The average speed at which scanning is performed is about three seconds per page, which means you can check a 10-page document in just half a minute.
The algorithms our software operates with resemble artificial intelligence. They can recognise changes in word order, paraphrasing, synonymization, and the substitutions.
PlagiarismCheck.org is compatible with multiple LMS systems. Our hierarchical scheme allows adding and managing users, as well as keeping track of performed plagiarism scans.
K12 describes a system of private and public institutions in the US. Usually including ages from Kindergarten through High School. Primary and secondary education are typically included in K12, having a goal of student's preparation for further education.
The consequences for the 1st offense of plagiarism vary depending on the School's policy and the case seriousness. It can be a failed assignment, meeting with a teacher, or sometimes even detention or suspension. Parents may also be notified.
Plagiarism is a serious offense and can have long-term consequences in the future academic or professional endeavors
Free plagiarism checkers usually have lower quality of searching, which may result in missing sources and inaccurate results.
PlagiarismCheck offers 1 free page for individual users to test how service works and understand its benefits
With the options available, pricing varies from around $1 to around $5 per user, depending on the number of users.
PlagiarismCheck has the most transparent and affordable pricing starting at $1 per student.
Get in touch with our representative for a plagiarism tool demo