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Plagiarism checker and AI detector for students and individual users

Make sure your content is original and doesn't contain AI. Be on the safe side when submitting an assignment or publishing an article and avoid accusations in plagiarism.

What we offer

Feel free to make the most of the following features our software provides you with:

A reputable plagiarism-checking tool based on advanced technology

Join thousands of educators, students, writers, and journalists who use our service every day. Our experience, algorithms, and databases will help you forget about plagiarism-related issues.
  • 200 000 +users
  • 15 000 000 +checks
  • 8 Yearsof excellent work
1 page free!
  • Sign up
  • Get bonus
  • Check the text
  • Advanced algorithms
  • Unlimited text length
  • Interactive results
  • Downloadable reports
  • Strict confidentiality


Our algorithm can recognize popular tricks students use to fool regular plagiarism checkers:


Latin letters substituted
with similar cyrillic

Quotes and References Recognition

The program is able to recognize quotes and references formatted in APA and MLA styles, so they will not be included in the plagiarism report.

"the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here."

The Gettysburg Gospel: The Lincoln Speech That Nobody Knows. Simon & Schuster, 2006.

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