Checker tools have made life easier for millions of people and continue to save resources for companies. To be convinced of the excellent quality of the texts, the following became mandatory:

  • grammar checkers;
  • plagiarism checkers;
  • and from now on, AI checkers.

These tools can accurately determine whether a text was written by a human or an artificial intelligence chatbot, such as Chat GPT, Bing, Bard, or others.

Who needs AI Checker?

🤷 Content platforms 

- to ensure that users generate human-written content and write answers on their own.

📰 Media (magazines, newspapers) 

- make sure that the authors provide new reliable information that they wrote personally.

📚 Publishing houses 

- to ensure authorship, originality, and consistency of manuscripts.

📣 Marketing agencies

- to ensure that the content is high quality and unique.

Why can’t we do without an AI Detector tool in the future?

Artificial intelligence writes more and more human-like. However, AI will always be a machine. And its negligent use can lead to significant losses in business:

  • AI texts may contain inaccuracies, misleading information, produce biased content, and even plagiarism;
  • AI texts cannot surprise with absolute novelty; all information is available on the Internet and was known before;
  • AI-chat bots do not know how to write originally, between the lines, and with soul. All his texts have a similar formulaic style.

AI Detector allows you to warn and prevent attempts to use the AI chatbots where it is unacceptable.

How does it work, and how accurate is the result?

The ChatGPT Detector by analyzes the content using various metrics to determine its origin. After uploading the text, you will immediately see a general conclusion: whether AI-generated content is detected or not. And also: what its percentage is relative to the entire text. In addition, each detected sentence is highlighted separately: highly likely AI or likely AI.

AI can generate sentences that resemble human writing, while on the other hand, a person can write in a robotic manner. Therefore, the tool marks sentences that are AI-like based on many metrics. The newest model based on “Perplexity” allows you to achieve 97% result accuracy and many other algorithms that the PlagiarismCheck team constantly updates.


  1. Tools that can check grammar, punctuation, and even the tone of the message have become mandatory in almost all content-related industries.
  2. The next become plagiarism checkers. Educational institutions that strive to ensure academic integrity can only do with them. And also everyone who promotes unique texts.
  3. With the advent of AI writing, the world cannot cannot effectively function without AI checker tools. With them alone, will it be possible to instantly distinguish whether you have a ” real text” or a “machine, artificial” one.

Try the AI detector free – you can check one page without a subscription. Will AI Detector become your must-have tool?