Our team has put great efforts into developing a new client account that would meet needs of our corporate customers. Unlike an account for individual users, a corporate account for academic institutions offers a possibility to manage multiple users within one space. We achieved it by introducing several levels of access:

  1. Owner – acts as an administrator, can review statistics and supervise all activities in the account;
  2. Teacher – creates an assignment, adds members to it, and reviews the results of the checks from students;
  3. Student – can quickly submit their works and review personal similarity reports.

Benefits and features of an account:

  • An account can hold unlimited number of users, which makes it so easy to coordinate the whole assessment process.
  • The beauty of the corporate account is in its simplicity. We believe that instead of spending time on-boarding, educators just need an intuitive software which can be immediately used.
  • A corporate account supports a draft system, there are no restrictions for students to resubmit their work, as we believe the goal of our software is to help students write better papers.

For more details please review our tutorial, or better schedule a demo to try the account yourself.